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Re-Enrollment for the 2021-2022 School Year

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row column_structure=”3_5,2_5″ _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”3_5″ _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”]St. Veronica Catholic School Families,

We are hopeful that you will be re-enrolling with us for the 2021-2022 academic year.The Diocese of Arlington, Office of Catholic Schools, has implemented an online enrollment system for diocesan schools starting this year.

To enroll your student in PK-2nd grade you will set up an account with PowerSchool and enter your child’s unique snapcode which has already been sent to your email by St. Veronica Catholic School.

To begin, please click on the following link.

• Select the Registration link.

• Enter the snapcode and create an account.

• Complete the Re-Enrollment Form and click on SUBMIT when done.

To enroll your student in 3rd-7th grade you will log onto your PowerSchool Parent Portal.

• Choose your child’s name

• Click the Student Enrollment Icon on the left side for 2021-2022.

• Complete the Re-Enrollment Form and click on SUBMIT when done. St. Veronica Catholic School Families,

The Re-Enrollment period for our current families will be open from January 8 – 22, 2021. Applications for new students will be accepted and processed beginning January 22, 2021. Please make sure you secure your student’s spot prior!

2. The Re-Enrollment Fee Form will need to be filled out and submitted. You may click on this link to access the form.

If your student will not be returning to St. Veronica Catholic School for the 2021-2022 school year, you do not need to fill out the online enrollment with PowerSchool. You will need to fill out the Student Re-Enrollment Fee Form and indicate your student’s status as ‘not returning’.

Please contact Mary Jo Smith with any questions: or (703)773-2020

Need additional information on this new process? Here is a Q& A to help you .[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_5″ _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.5.2″ _module_preset=”default”]

Quick Links

PowerSchool Enrollment Site
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Re-Enrollment Fee Form
Enrollment Q & A
2021 Re-Enrollment Guide[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.2.1″ use_background_color_gradient=”on” background_color_gradient_start=”rgba(126,13,21,0.48)” background_color_gradient_end=”#7e0d15″ background_color_gradient_type=”radial” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”top right” background_color_gradient_end_position=”74%” background_color_gradient_overlays_image=”on” background_image=”” min_height=”529px” custom_margin=”41px||7px|||” custom_padding=”54px||0px|||” global_module=”171″ saved_tabs=”all”][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_3,2_3″ use_custom_gutter=”on” gutter_width=”1″ make_equal=”on” _builder_version=”3.29.3″ width=”100%” max_width=”2560px” module_alignment=”center” custom_padding=”18px|20px|0px|20px|false|false”][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.29.2″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.2.1″ text_text_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”dark” custom_padding=”|16px||41px|false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone”]

Contact Us

Front Desk: 703-773-2020
St. Veronica Catholic School
3460-B Centreville Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151

Serving the Dulles South, Sully and South Riding areas of Western Fairfax and Eastern Loudoun Counties.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”×86.png” _builder_version=”4.2.1″][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_3″ _builder_version=”3.29.2″][et_pb_blurb _builder_version=”4.5.2″ background_enable_color=”off” background_layout=”dark” custom_padding=”|35px||36px|false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone”]

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… Teaching them to carry out everything I have commanded you. —Matthew 27:19-20

The Saint Veronica Catholic School Community celebrates the spirit of Christ, who is the perfect teacher, and each child is recognized as intellectual, spiritual and social being with an inherent desire to learn. The mission of the school is to ensure vibrant religious education and exemplary academics by empowering our students and faculty through faith and knowledge.


St. Veronica Catholic School
3460-B Centreville Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151

Front Desk: 703-773-2020
Contact Us

Copyright © 2025 St. Veronica Catholic School. All rights reserved.

Serving the Dulles South, Sully and South Riding areas of Western Fairfax and Eastern Loudoun Counties