Considering a Saint Veronica education for your child?

Dear Prospective Families,

Why choose a St. Veronica Education for your child?

Socrates once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It is a powerful saying that resonates with me and my team here in Chantilly, Virginia at St. Veronica Catholic School. We do not go a day without examining what we are doing and linking it to who we are, Children of God, through daily prayer and living the sacramental life. It is the heart of our success.

For years I struggled as a teacher in an independent school feeling the disconnect with the faith, even when the academics were solid. There was a growing paranoia that if we but mention the God of the Universe we would cause such a controversy that it would offend and divide. The truth is, good teachers like myself knew how to respect and love without being offensive, but we were not trusted. I since discerned the call to Catholic education. As principal of St. Veronica, my joy overflows.

The past ten years have been some of the most inspirational years of my life. Catholic education requires much sacrifice on the part of parents, teachers and students, however those sacrifices of time doing homework, learning prayers, mastering math facts, fundraising, working long hours, teaching students how to write using beautiful penmanship, walking quietly through the halls, are worth it! In fact, without some basic fundamentals, higher order thinking can fail. We believe the disciplined and examined life helps our students succeed way ahead of their public school counterparts because it opens the mind and prepares one for learning.

Joining alliances with Catholic School Educators in 2009 has opened my eyes to unbelievable possibilities and life giving experiences. Teachers give heart and soul to the mission of Catholic education, and it is in those moments, when light bulbs flicker, that celebrations erupt! At St. Veronica, prayer is not only possible but expected. Mastery of content is the norm. Faith, hope and charity drives everything we do. The sound of children laughing fills the building, warms the heart, and makes us wonder.

Considering a St. Veronica Education for your children? At the very least, come and see. We are here awaiting your arrival. You don’t want to miss it.

God bless,
Michael Busekrus

St. Veronica Catholic School
3460-B Centreville Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151

Front Desk: 703-773-2020
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Serving the Dulles South, Sully and South Riding areas of Western Fairfax and Eastern Loudoun Counties