Acceptable Use Policy – Middle School


Acceptable Use Policy
Middle School 2022-2023

The Diocese of Arlington administrators, faculty and staff have the right to restrict student computer activities at any time if, in their judgment, a student is not following the spirit of the Diocese of Arlington Acceptable Use Policy. Students at Diocesan schools are prohibited from using school computers for any of the following activities: (This list is not meant to be all-inclusive)

  1. Internet access for private or commercial business.
  2. Violate any local, state, federal or international laws that apply to computer or Internet use, including but not limited to copyright infringement, plagiarism, software licensing, harassment, slander and obscenity.
  3. Access, produce, transmit and/or retransmit material advocating or promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups, promoting destruction of property or containing sexually oriented material.
  4. Hack, infiltrate or “sniff” school or outside computers’ accounts, or networks, or attempt to establish or establish contact into school-restricted computer nets or any other unauthorized databases. Users will not access, transmit, and/or retransmit material requiring a password or security authorization without legally possessing such password or authorization.
  5. Commit or attempt to commit any willful act which disrupts the operation of any school outside computer or network. For example, users will not release viruses, worms, spam, e-mail bombs, or other files that cause a disk to fill up, a network to bog down, or a software application to crash.
  6. For games, non-academic surfing and chatting, gambling, non-academic multimedia listening or viewing.
  7. Send, store or intentionally receive inappropriate or frivolous e-mail. All electronic communication must be polite, respectful, and contain no obscene, vulgar, degrading or defamatory language.
  8. Use or include the school’s e-mail address in non-school web pages.
  9. Use encryption software from any access point within the Diocese of Arlington.
  10. Bring computers from home into school. Computer/network/Internet access during school hours will be restricted to school owned equipment only.
  11. Use school computers to enter chat rooms or for online messaging.
  12. Downloading and/or installing software is prohibited. This includes copyrighted software, shareware and freeware.
  13. Use of any school equipment to duplicate any bootleg software is strictly prohibited.
  14. Modifying school computers, including additions, deletions and changes of software, settings preference, properties, or account customization is strictly prohibited.

I understand any violation of the above provisions will result in the loss of my user account and may result in further disciplinary and/or legal action, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion, or referral to legal authorities. I therefore agree to maintain acceptable standards and to report any misuse of the system to the appropriate teacher or administrator.

Misuse or violation of this agreement comes in many forms, but can be viewed as any messages, information or graphics sent or received that include/suggest pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language and/or other listings previously described in this user agreement. I agree to report any misuse of the electronic information resources to the appropriate teacher or administrator. lease click to sign both forms – one for the middle school student and one for the parent.

If you have multiple middle school students, pease fill out one form per student.


I have read this Acceptable Use Policy and understand that Internet sites are filtered and that Internet use on my school computer may be monitored. I hereby agree to comply with the above-described conditions of acceptable use.

Click here to sign.


As the parent or guardian of the above named student. I have read this Acceptable Use Policy and understand that Internet sites are filtered and that electronic information resources accounts may be monitored. I understand my child may be disciplined for inappropriate or unacceptable use of electronic information resources. I further understand that student use of the electronic information resource system is designed for educational purposes.
I hereby give my permission.

Contact Us

Front Desk: 703-773-2020
St. Veronica Catholic School
3460-B Centreville Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151

Serving the Dulles South, Sully and South Riding areas of Western Fairfax and Eastern Loudoun Counties.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… Teaching them to carry out everything I have commanded you. —Matthew 27:19-20

The administration, faculty, and staff of St. Veronica Catholic School recognize the dignity of each person by seeing Christ in every child. The mission of the school is to ensure vibrant religious education and exemplary academics by empowering our students and faculty through faith and knowledge.


St. Veronica Catholic School
3460-B Centreville Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151

Front Desk: 703-773-2020
Contact Us

Copyright © 2024 St. Veronica Catholic School. All rights reserved.

Serving the Dulles South, Sully and South Riding areas of Western Fairfax and Eastern Loudoun Counties